Why Holy Churches are icon-painted?


                             By Miltiadis Afentoulis, iconographer

The orthodox iconography flourished during the Byzantine period and is a spiritual, ecclesiastical and liturgical art. The iconographic fine artistic presentations contribute to the better understanding and experience of the mysteries, such as the Holy Community, by the worshippers and to strengthen their faith. The iconographer “lends” himself/herself to the God and to the Church he decorates, in order the mysteries to take place and signs “by hand” or “handmade by”. The iconographer follows the Church tradition, producing the eternal and the ecumenical, contributing to the preservation of the tradition, giving, at the same time, his/her soul quality.


Published in the Bimonthly Newsletter of Saint Peter the Apostle Church Bronx, New York, U.S.A., “The Kandili”, 01/01/16, Volume 1, Issue 1.

Posted in Δημόσιες εμφανίσεις, Επικαιρότητα, Τύπος.